Tasks and exercises


1.      Calculate the degree of ionization of 0.1 m acetic acid providing that its freezing point is -0.188°C.

2.      What’s the osmotic pressure of a 2.0 m solution of sodium chloride at 20°C?

3.      Calculate the “degree of dissociation” of 0.01 m solution of ammonium chloride providing that its freezing point depression is 0.0367°C.

4.      A 50.00 g sample of a solution of naphthalene [C10H8(s)] in benzene [C6H6 (l)] has a freezing point of 4.45°C. Calculate the mass percent C10H8 and the boiling point of this solution.

5.      Predict the approximate freezing points of 0.10 m solutions of the following solutes dissolved in water: (a) CO(NH2)2 (urea); (b) NH4NO3; (c) HCl; (d) CaCl2 ; (e) MgSO4 ; (f) C2H5OH (ethanol); (g) HC2H3O2 (acetic acid).

6.      Calculate the van t Hoff factors of the following weak electrolyte solutions: 0.050 m HCHO2, which begins to freeze at -0.0986°C.

7.      An isotonic solution is described as 0.92% NaCl (mass/volume). Would this also be the required concentration for isotonic solutions of other salts, such as KCl, MgCl2, or MgSO4?  Explain.

8.      Calculate the van t Hoff factors of the following weak electrolyte solutions: 0.100 M HNO2, which has a hydrogen ion (and nitrite ion) concentration of 6.91 × 10-3 M.

9.      What mass of each product is produced in each of the electrolytic cells of the previous problem if a total charge of 3.33 × 105ºC passes through each cell? Assume the voltage is sufficient to perform the reduction.

10.  The dissociation constant of NH4OH at 298 K is 1.8 × 10-5. Calculate the degree of dissociation of 0.01 M Sol. of NH4Cl. Kw at 298 K = 10-14