Test tasks



1. The reaction of an anion or cation with water accompanied by cleavage of O-H bond is called …
A. neutralization
B. hydrolysis
C. acidification
D. ionisation
2. In anionic hydrolysis the pH of solution is …
A. less than 7
B. greater than 7
C. less than zero
D. equal to 7
3. In cationic hydrolysis, the resulting solution is …
A. acidic
B. basic
C. neutral
D. sometimes acidic, sometimes basic
4. NaCN on hydrolysis produces a solution which has …
A. pH > 7
B. pH < 7
C. pH = 0
D. pH = 7
5. A salt of weak base and strong acid on hydrolysis gives a solution which has …
A. more H+ ions than OH–
B. more OH– ions than H+
C. equal H+ and OH– ions
D. no H+ ions
6. The dissociation constant of weak acid, Ka and that of a base Kb are related to hydrolysis constant of the salt by the relation …
A. Ka = Kw × Kb
B. Kb = Kw × Ka
C. Kw = Ka × Kb
D. Kw = Ka / Kb
7. The degree of hydrolysis of a salt is that fraction of it which undergoes … when equilibrium is established.
A. dissociation
B. racemisation
C. saponification
D. hydrolysis
8. The aqueous solution of salt of a weak acid and strong base will always be …
A. acidic
B. alkaline
C. neutral
D. none of these
9. Sodium acetate and sodium cyanide are the salts of weak acids and strong bases. Their aqueous solution will be …
A. acidic
B. basic
C. neutral
D. sometimes acidic, sometimes basic
10. NH4Cl, AlCl3 and FeCl3 are the salts of … acids and … bases.
A. weak, strong
B. weak, weak
C. strong, weak
D. strong, strong
11. Hydrolysis is reverse of …
A. ionisation
B. acidification
C. neutralisation
D. saponification
12. Sodium sulphide (Na2S) on hydrolysis give a solution which is …
A. neutral
B. acidic
C. basic
D. may be acidic or basic
13. Which salt out of the following will be hydrolysed to give basic solution.
NaCN, NaCl, NaNO3, NH4Cl
B. NaCl
C. NaNO3
D. NH4Cl
14. The pH value of an aqueous solution is …
A. equal to 7
B. equal to 0
C. less than 7
D. more than 7
15. The degree of hydrolysis of ammonium acetate …
A. depends upon its concentration
B. does not depend upon its concentration
C. directly proportional to the square of its concentration
D. does not depend upon temperature
16. The solution of Na2CO3 is alkaline due to …
A. neutralisation of CO32– ions
B. neutralisation of Na+ ions
C. hydrolysis of Na+ ions
D. hydrolysis of CO32– ions
17. The pH value of AlCl3 solution is …
A. less than 7
B. greater than 7
C. equal to 7
D. equal to 0
18. An aqueous solution of CuSO4 × 5H2O turns blue litmus red. It is due to the
A. presence of Cu2+ ions
B. presence of SO42– ions
C. hydrolysis of Cu2+ ions
D. hydrolysis of SO42– ions
19. Which one of the following aqueous solutions will have highest pH value?
A. NaCl
B. Na2CO3
D. ZnCl2
20. One or both the ions of a salt react with water to produce acidic, basic or neutral solution. This process is called …
A. neutralisation
B. ionization
C. saponification
D. hydrolysis