Tasks and exercises


1.      How many grams of salt must be added to 10 grams of water to create a 10% solution?

2.      How many grams of NaBr are needed to make 30 g of a 2.0% solution?

3.      If 30 grams of NaOH are dissolved and then diluted to 2.0 L with water, what is the concentration of the solution?

4.      What mass of salt is needed to make 300 mL of a 2 g/L solution?

5.      What mass of NaF must be mixed with 25 mL = 25 g (because of water's density) of water to create a 3.5% solution.

6.      Two grams (2.0 g) of salt are mixed with 50 grams of water. Find the mass % of the solution.

7.      If a 4000g solution of salt contains 40g of salt, what is its mass percent?

8.      How would you make 120 mL of a 0.10 M solution of potassium hydroxide in water?

9.      Find the percent (w/w) concentration of a solution containing 4.5 g of glucose in 90 mL of water.

10.  Describe how you would prepare 30 g of a 20 percent (w/w) solution of KCl in water.

11.  How much potassium bromide, in grams, should be added to water to prepare 0.50 L of solution with a molarity of 0.125 M?

12.  How much concentrated 18 M sulfuric acid is needed to prepare 100.0 mL of a 6.0 M solution?