Laboratory work


Comparison of Heat Energy Released by Methanol Experiment

Purpose of the work:

To calculate whether methanol would be the better fuel as an alternate energy source in the future using ring stand and thermometer for measurement.



·         Methanol

·         Water

·         Thermometer

·         Laboratory tripod

·         Beaker

·         Cylinder



1.      Put on apron and safety goggles.

2.      Obtain methanol spirit bottles.

3.      Punch holes in a soda can and stick a stirring rod through to hold it on the ring stand. Measure 100.0 mL of water graduated cylinder and pour it into the soda can. Put the soda can on the ring stand.

4.      Use a thermometer to measure the initial temperature of the water

5.      Measure the mass of the spirit burner (with the wick but without the cap) and the methanol.

6.      Place the spirit burner on the stand about two centimeters below the soda can.

7.      Light the wick and leave it burning for three minutes.

8.      After three minutes, move the can and put out the fire. Measure the final temperature of the water. Take note of the temperature change. Measure the mass of the spirit burner without the wick and record the mass of the alcohol burned (change in mass).

9.      Clean the bottom of the soda can if blackened and replace the 100.0 mL of water.

10.  Repeat steps 4 - 9 twice more methanol three times.