Control question


Q1. Why do atoms form bonds?

Answer: Atoms form chemical bonds in order to make their outer electron shells more stable. The type of chemical bond maximizes the stability of the atoms that form it. Atoms form bonds with other atoms because of the electrostatic attraction between positively-charged protons and negatively-charged electrons. To conform to the octet rule in order to have a full valance shell and become stable.


Q2. What is the meaning of the term chemical bond? How many main types of bonds are known?

Answer: When this force of attraction brings atoms together to form substances containing two or more atoms, the bond is called a chemical bond. There are many types of chemical bonds, but the three major, or primary, types are ionic, covalent and metallic.


Q3. Is an electron a type of chemical bond?

Answer: No. Electrons are part of the atom. For example, when two atoms come together and one has 6 valence electrons and the other has 2 valence electrons, the atom with the 2 valence electrons might get bonded to the other atom with 6 valence electrons because the atom with 6 valence electrons wants to have 8 valence electrons to fill its outer shell. You might think electrons are bonds, they are not. They are what cause atoms to bond but are not bonds.


Q4. Ionic bonds are chemical bonds formed by the?

Answer: Ionic bonds are bonds formed between one anion and one cation, or in other terms, one metal and one non-metal. One example is NaCl, Sodium Chloride (the common table salt) that is formed between the Na+ ion and the Cl- ion. Together they combine and form what is called the ionic compound, bonded together ionically.


Q5. Which bond is not a pure chemical bond?

Answer: Hydrogen bonding is really not bonding, but only a polar interaction. H2 (diatomic hydrogen) is an elemental bond in which gas atoms can cohabit.


Q6. What is hybridisation? Discuss facts about hybridisation.

Answer: Hybridization; “is a process of redistribution of unequal orbitals having different energies into equivalent orbitals having same energy”. There are there types of hybridization: 1)sp3 hybridization; 2)sp2 hybridization; 3) sp hybridization.


·         Hybridization is a purely hypothetical concept.

·         The orbitals undergoing hybridization should have almost similar energies.

·         An empty half filled or fully filled orbital can involve in hybridization.

·         If n number of orbitals are hybridizing they will result into n hybridized orbitals.

·         Hybridized orbitals have better overlapping ability hence form strong bonds.


Q7. How to get chemicals to bond?

Answer: Based on your question, you have probably noticed that just throwing two chemicals together does not mean that a bond will form. This fact is a good thing, because if every chemical or element that came in contact with another bonded, the world would be constantly reacting. In order for chemicals to bond, a reaction needs to take place. Without adding energy, a reaction will only take place if both compounds or elements will become more stable after the reaction. "Becoming more stable" means that they will both have a full octet of electrons, and a complete energy level. If you look at a periodic table, group one elements have one valence (or outer energy shell) electron. In order to be stable it wants a full octet, so it will react with a group seven element so each element in the compound has a full octet. It does this by giving its electron to the group seven element, because it is far easier to lose one electron than it is to gain seven. There is much more that goes with this process, for example compounds that have more than two elements, but you get the general idea.


Q8. What is the chemical bonding of NH4OH?

Answer. There are two types of bonding in NH4OH: covalent and ionic. That is because it is composed of two complex ions, NH4+ and OH-. That bond that holds these two complex ions together is ionic, but the bonds that exist between the atoms of the complex ions themselves is covalent. In other words, the bonds between the nitrogen (N) and the 4 hydrogens (H) is covalent, and so is the bond between oxygen (O) and hydrogen. However the bond between NH4+ and OH- is ionic.


Q9. What is Lewis theory of bond formation?

Answer: The Lewis Theory used observations from chemists and physicists to form a theory about chemical bonding. This work was essentially a compilation of the knowledge at the time. It revolved around the importance of valence electrons in chemical bonding. These are the electrons that are in the outermost shell.  For example Na may have 11 electrons, but only one is a valence electron, the one in 3s1. Meanwhile P has 15 electrons, but has five valence electrons, 3s2 and 3p2. The bonding of an element is based on how they fill their octets i.e. achieve a noble gas electron configurations.

Lewis went on to explain how certain elements such as Boron did not necessarily follow these same rules. He explicitly defined two ways electrons were used to form bonds.  These were ionic (complete transfer of electron) and covalent (sharing of electrons) bonding.  He added to his covalent bonding theory that atoms can have a double or triple bonds with other atoms when electrons are shared.  A single bond consists of two electrons sharing between two atoms, double bond consists of four electrons sharing between two atoms, and triple bond consists of six electrons sharing between two atoms. In both cases Lewis dot structures were used to visualize the the bonding of the atoms in case of electron sharing or electron transfer.Differentiate between bonding and anti bonding molecular orbitals.


Q10. Is hydrogen bond a true chemical bond?

Answer: Not really, it's more of a particularly strong intermolecular electrostatic interaction than a true bond. Hydrogen bond strengths are on the order of a few kcal/mol, less than a tenth of even a weak covalent bond.


Q11. How are chemical bonds broke?

Answer: The bonded particles are constantly vibrating and as they are given more energy (such as by heating them) they convert that energy into kinetic energy meaning that they vibrate more until they vibrate fast enough to break the forces holding them together.