Test tasks



1. When chlorine gas is passed through hot and conc. Solution of KOH, following compound is formed
A. KCl
B. KClO2
C. KClO3
D. KClO4
E. No right answer
2. A salt of weak acid and strong base on hydrolysis yields a solution which is
A. slightly acidic
B. highly acidic
C. neutral
D. slightly basic
3. What is the correct formula of phosphorus trichloride?
A. P2Cl2
B. PCl3
C. PCl4
D. P4Cl2
E. P3Cl
4. Consider reaction: SiO2(s) + NaOH(l) → Na2SiO3(aq)+ H2O(l). moles of SiO2 required to complete reaction would be
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
5. Oxidation number of sulfur trioxide is ...
A. +2
B. +4
C. +6
D. +8
E. -4
6. Oxygen has a higher electronegativity than
A. Na(s)
B. Mg(s)
C. Al(s)
D. both A and B
7. Group 0 elements consist of
A. giant metallic structure
B. giant molecules
C. simple molecules
D. individual atoms
8. Which of the following types of substances dissolve in water?
A. Nonpolar covalent sunstances
B. Polar covalent substances
D. Hydrophobic
e. Hydrophilic
9. Inorganic compounds generally do not contain … atoms.
A. Nitrogen
B. Oxygen
C. Carbon
D. Hydrogen
E. No right answer
10. The basic properties of hydroxides are due to the position of metal in periodic table. Define which of the following hydroxides has the most basic properties:
D. Ca(OH)2
E. Mg(OH)2
11. The oxidation state of elements is due to its electronic configuration. Define which of the following elements has only positive oxidation state:
A. Magnesium
B. Sulfur
C. Chlorine
D. Oxygen
E. Fluorine
12. Nonaqueous solution of perchloric acid are used for quantitative determination of some drugs. Define an acidic oxide of this acid:
A. Cl2O7
B. ClO
C. ClO2
D. Cl2O3
E. Cl2O6
13. Amphoteric oxide
A. CaO
B. SiO2
C. SnO2
D. CO2
E. Au2O
14. A salt of weak acid and weak base on hydrolysis gives a solution which is …
A. acidic
B. basic
C. neutral
D. sometimes acidic, sometimes basic
15. Nitrogen dioxide is released by heating
A. Pb(NO3)2
C. NaNO2
D. NaNO3
16. Among the alkali metals the most available elements are …
A. Lithium and Potassium
B. Sodium and Potassium
C. Sodium and Lithium
D. All of the above
17. In the extraction of aluminium, cryolite is used for
A. Obtaining more Al
B. Extraction bauxite
C. Protection of anode
D. All of the above
18. Oxidation of NO in air produces
A. N2O
C. N2O5
D. N2O3
E. NO2
19. Chlorofluorocarbons release a chemical, which is harmful to ozone layer
A. H
B. F
C. Cl
D. B
E. None of these
20. Hydrogen is produced by the action of HCl with which element
A. Cu
B. P
C. Hg
D. Co
E. Mg